Velkommen til min blogg, som jeg ganske enkelt har døbt til
"Holmen Rör&Träsk AB".


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Sv. Spårvägssällskapet Forum
SJK Postvagnen
Järnvägsmusei Vänners Järnvägshistoriska Forum
Roomman's photos

G-Schock watchuseek Forum

Aircooled VW :

Other Usefull links :
how to tie a Tie

10 Oktober 2009
OJ oj.... Har jeg ikke oppdatert siden her siden i Mars?? Nå blir jeg helt flau.. Tror ikke helt jeg kan oppsummere alt som har skjedd i Torp-World siden Mars, men i korte drag, sitter jeg idag i en ny by, i ett nytt land, og i en helt ny beskeftigelses-status. Om livet er lykkelig? Ja helt klart!!! Jeg har endelig begynt i tenke Musikk i mitt hode igjen, og det er det flere år siden sist jeg gjorde! Kommende updates her kommer nok til å handle om; Musikk og mitt forhold til broder-Alkohol. Ett annet tabu i min munn er jo mitt forhold til trening. og det er det pt ikke mye å si om, men noe er på vei..
ok... Det jeg egentlig skulle skrive om var at igår var jeg med gutta og Listbeth ut i naturen.
Bilder kan du finne her.

26 Mars 2009
Endelig husket jeg å ta med kamera, på veg til jobb. Det ble til noen bilder på Trainspottingsiden. Kan vel ikke akkurat skryte av den fototekniske kvaliteten, men det var da i allefall en dokumentasjon av hverdagen.

6 Februar 2009
Ikke forvent at det skal gå noe sport i at jeg gjør daglige oppdateringer, for det kommer ikke til å skje for fremtiden, det er bare det, jeg nå har rotet frem noen bilder fra gutte-turen til Tom Tits .
Tom Tits er en herlig lekestue for både voksen som barn. Det er 4 etager fullspekket med morsomme saker, og experimenter. I tillegg er det en kanon rusjebane som går fra 4etage og ned i første!! Et extra pluss er at den går på utsiden av hele bygningen!!
Trykk på bildet for å se en video fra rusjebanen. ( OBS!! Det er en stooor fil!!)

Du kan også trykke her for å se bilder fra dagen.

5 Februar 2009

Frisk start på siden her. Endelig har vi mulighet til å oppdatere siden her igjen! Først å fremst må jeg skryte litt av noe så barnselig som å ha kjørt en rusjebane. Men denne her var faktisk litt spesiell. Heldigvis har jeg tatt en video-snutt av den. Skal legge ut den her så fort det lar seg gjøre.
Til helga skal jeg og Morgan i Den lokale slalom-bakken , som må være den eneste Skjærgårds-slalombakken i Nordeuropa! Må innrømme at jeg er veldig spent til hvordan Morgan tar det og hvordan han synes det blir å få slalomstøvler på beina. Går det bra, blir vi vel nødt til kjøpe et ski-sett til han. Uansett.. Fyldig repotasje om dagen kommer her på siden.
En annen "nyhet" i Famtorp er jo at nå har også Liam begynt hos Vavva, så nå har hverdagen hentet oss inn. Foreløbig virker det som om det går bra, selvom det er mye nytt for han. Det har i sin tur resultert i at nettene våres har i det siste vært rene berg-og-dal-baner, hvor noen netter sover vi som steiner og andre netter holder Gutta oss våkne.
Må løpe, Lover det ikke blir like lenge til jeg skriver igjen!

13th of November 2007

Normally I do not brag nor talk much about my job or my employer. But… this time I really need to tell you about a really cool shaver that we are producing. Ever since I heard about the Braun Pulsonic launch this summer, I thought that this is a really cool product. Then after I saw one, I felt in love, and now after I got it and has been at the Waldurm-plant I really believe this a fantastic product. Not only is it almost shaving like a Gillette Fution razor, it also has a great handle and feels fantastic to hold.
Best by is in my opinion not the top model, but the 9585 model. Also I can inform that Braun has some really cool shavers coming up in the coming months so Philips: Please watch out!

12th of November 2007
It has been a hectic week last. Not much time for updating this page. A lot of work and the weekend I have really recharged my batteries.
I had the plesure of being introduced to Roomman this week. Take alook at his page.
On Sunday I took Morgan to the technical Museum, which is a whole day event with Morgan. We started out with some Pancakes, and after that he was playing around, for Hours and Hours. The technical Museum in Stockholm is not the best technical Museum if visited but for a 3 year old, it is good.
I’ve added some VW aircooled links on the left shoulder of the page. Hopefully I’ll soon make a dedicated VW page around my T-1 1500 69. But for now it is standing safe and dry in the Garage, and the page has to wait for the spring I guess.
Also, I got a nice link to how to tie a Tie . It is at least very helpful for me, as I have currently been outsourcing this to my wife
So hopefulle I'll update this page more often as of now. Take care!

5th of November 2007

Morgan is 3Year!Hipp Hurray! He got a bunsh of gifts, and walkes proudly around showing up three fingers and tells everybody he is three. I’ll see if I’ll put up some pictures later. Morgan got a Guitar from us. Hopefully he be as good as this guy some day!

Also last Friday was the last day I could drive my VW to work for this year. Now it will be put in storage untill the sping. It’s gonna be a long winter….

24th of October 2007:
Not much to tell about the day today. It has been a rather quiet day. I'm enjoying that I'm off work still some days. I've add a page with some photos from Grindsted in DK in my Trainspotting section. My ambitions with the trainspotting section is high as I have approx 5.000 pictures I want to have there.... I know that is not realistic, but anyway I'll try to add some new pages with photos as soon as I time. I'm also thinking about other sections on this page, and there will also be sections for both VW and for some other things. But for today, there will not be much time working on this page as we expect visitors from DK tomorrow and need to shapen this place up.

Putting up a picture of me, with my boys; Morgan and Liam.

Also; Morgan was at the hairdresser today. Isn't he lovely? ( sorry for the bad quality)

23rd of October 2007:
Today, Me and Morgan were at the Cinema and saw the movie Råttatoulle. Morgan thought the movie was funny, and me to.
I have added a Trainspotting page. That page is currently just a test page, and I'll guess it will be redesigned several times. But for now, I have put up some pix from Grindsted of 2005.
I also need to mention that on the 15th of December there will be a historic re-union of the legendary trio Stiff-Nipples. I'll come back with more info on this later on.
But for now, I'll just show some pix from a gig I did this summer, at a country-party in a barn.

19th of October 2007:
So finally is my blog on the net. On this blog, I will write about my simple life and things that interest me. I have been thinking about what language to write in, and I could of course write my blog in Norwegian, but not living in Norway for the last 10years, my Norwegian is not what it has been; actually, my Danish is much stronger. But living in Sweden it is so messy for a Norwegian to write a blog in Danish while living in Sweden. So I’ve decided to write in English, as that is most neutral.